- Rizzo A., Hassan G. (2025). Addressing the Use of AI by EU Tax Authorities: Towards a Common Framework of Taxpayer Protection, European Taxation, vol. 65, no. 1.
- Rizzo A., Hassan G. (2024). AI Risk Management in Tax Audits: A Comparative Review of the EU and US Regulatory Approaches, TTLF Working Papers No. 124, Stanford-Vienna Transatlantic Technology Law Forum.
- Rizzo A. (2024). The Role of Tax Incentives for Innovation in Pharma, Biotech, and MedTech: A Comparative Study Between the EU and the US Regulatory Approaches, TTLF Working Papers No. 123, Stanford-Vienna Transatlantic Technology Law Forum.
- Rizzo A., Das P. (2024) “Effective Tax Rates and the Minimum Rate” in C. Garbarino (ed.) Pillar Two of the Inclusive Framework on BEPS (London: Edward Elgar Publishing).
- Passi C., Rizzo A. (2024). The New Tax Treatment of Capital Gains Arising from the Indirect Sale of Italian Real Estate Held by Non-Residents, European Taxation, vol. 64, no. 2/3.
- Rizzo, A. (2023). Intellectual Property and Tax Incentives: A comparative analysis of the EU and the US legal frameworks, Virginia Tax Review, Vol. 43(2), 291-329.
- Rizzo, A. (2023). The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation: a structural change to the internal market, Stanford-Vienna Transatlantic Technology Law Forum, Issue No. 2/2023.
- Rizzo, A. (2023). Intellectual Property and Tax Incentives: A comparative analysis of the EU and the US legal frameworks, TTLF Working Papers No. 101, Stanford-Vienna Transatlantic Technology Law Forum.
- Scuderi, E., Rizzo, A., Loicadou, A. (2023). “A Case for Environmental Taxation as a Response to the COVID-19 Economic Crisis” in D. de Cogan, A. Brassey, P. Harris (eds) Tax Law in Times of Crisis and Recovery (London: Bloomsbury Publishing).
- Rizzo, A., Acciaro, M. (2022). DAC 7 – The Exchange of Tax Information for Businesses with Digital Platforms in the European Union, Stanford-Vienna Transatlantic Technology Law Forum, Issue No. 2/2022.
- Das, P., Rizzo, A. (2022). The OECD Global Minimum Tax Proposal under Pillar Two: Will It Achieve the Desired Policy Objective?, Bulletin for International Taxation, vol. 76, n. 1.
- Das, P., Rizzo, A. (2021). The OECD Unified Approach: Understanding the real deal for the market countries, International Tax Studies, Vol. 4, No. 5.
- Rizzo, A., Spitaleri, A. (2021). Can the “impatriati” tax regime apply to remote workers physically present in Italy?, Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale, 5.
- Rizzo, A., Latino, M.C., Orlando, A., (2021). The attribution of profits to a dependent agent permanent establishment: the controversial scenario of the zero profit allocation, International Transfer Pricing Journal, vol. 28, n. 2, 1-6;
- Orlando, A., Iervolino, R., Rizzo, A. (2021). The interplay between FAR analysis and AOA in a digitalized economy, International Transfer Pricing Journal, vol. 32, n. 1, 1-8;
- Rizzo, A., Scuderi, E., (2020). Is the post-lockdown a good timing for introducing an environmental tax?. Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale, 10, 88-89;
- Dai, Y., Rizzo, A. (2020). How will the Italian Digital Services Tax affect the trade relations with the U.S. and China?. Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale, 7, 97-98;
- Rizzo, A. (2019). The Role of Corporate Residence in Tax Matters and its Relationship with the Provision of Dividend Relief: A Comparative Analysis between the UK and the US Tax Systems. International Journal of Accounting and Taxation, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 35-39.
- Garbarino, C., Rizzo A. (2023). La prospettiva italiana sulla global minimum tax approvata dal Consiglio UE, Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale, 2, 5-9.
- Garbarino, C., Rizzo A. (2022). Il Country-by-Country Reporting in ambito UE, Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale, 11, 5-10
- Garbarino, C., Rizzo A. (2022). Verso una progressiva riduzione delle soglie dimensionali di accesso all’adempimento collaborativo? Evoluzioni e criticità, Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale, 6.
- Garbarino, C., Rizzo A. (2022). Aspetti operativi della gestione all’interno dei gruppi multinazionali italiani dell’International Compliance Assurance Programme (ICAP), Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale, 4.
- Garbarino, C., Rizzo A. (2021). La nozione di beneficiario effettivo nella giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia UE (Case C-115/16; Case C-116/16), Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale, 11.
- Garbarino, C., Rizzo A. (2021). Brexit e disapplicazione della giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea, Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale, 8-9.
- Garbarino, C., Rizzo, A. (2020). “L’Uscita del Regno Unito dall’Unione Europea: I Rapporti Fiscali Internazionali” in M. Piazza, G.C.A. Favaloro (eds) Brexit: Scenari fiscali e opportunità per i professionisti italiani (Milan: Kluwer Law Italy), 1-37;
- Rizzo, A. (2020). “La normativa fiscale nel Regno Unito: cenni” in M. Piazza, G.C.A. Favaloro (eds) Brexit: Scenari fiscali e opportunità per i professionisti italiani (Milan: Kluwer Law Italy), 173-175;
- Rizzo, A., Spitaleri, A. (2020). Imposte sui redditi delle imprese bancarie non residenti operanti in Italia, Novità Fiscali SUPSI, N. 5/2020;
- Garbarino, C., Rizzo, A. (2019). Unione Europea e Svizzera: la tassazione della plusvalenza latente. Fiscalità & Commercio Internazionale, 11, pp. 42-46.